Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Journal Entry 2 - Faith Fordjour

I only went one day to Mount Sinai this week because of the Thanksgiving Holiday. I was there on Monday and it was very interesting. I feel like I'm a kid's magnet. It's like they all like me. There was this boy today, his name was Timothy. He wanted me to play with him but I am not supposed to play with the kids. My job is to read to them but also I can't say no to a child so I went ahead. The hard part about my day was getting someone to read to. Most of the kids don't really want to read, they would rather color or play games. But there is always one child who is interested in reading. This girl today read me a book. She was probably three or four years old. Of course she didn't read the words but she was telling me the story by looking at the pictures. It was so cute.


  1. Faith, I really understand that it can be difficult to engage the children. They do not understand how important it is to read. Your work with them is important. Keep learning about the health care environment you are in and continue to help the children.
    Ms. Mitchell

  2. Children are stiff to work with every now and then.However they are adorable! I am jubilant that you are overenjoyed with them.I wonder if it is easier said than done to interact with children?
