Monday, December 28, 2009

Writing Workshop - Faith Fordjour

Exercise: Learning Log on Resident Mandy Sacher's Depression/Anxiety presentation.

A Learning Log is a notebook in which you can "dig deeper" into what you have learned from classes, lectures, seminars, projects, etc. Some components include a summary, new ideas and concepts, things you want to know more about and arguing for or against a topic (Writer's Inc, 2001).

I learned a lot about Depression and Anxiety last week with the doctor. I learned that depression and anxiety go together but they are two totally different types of diagnoses, but one can lead to the other. I thought depression was just about someone feeling sad about themselves and anxiety was when someone got a panic attack but it goes further than that. There are many forms of depression and anxiety and they can destroy somebody's life. For example, when someone has an extreme form of anxiety, it stops them from doing the normal things they used ot do. That is when it turns into depression. Depression can = Anxiety.

Depression + Anxiety = A very bad situation.

The question is can all people that feel depressed or anxious be diagnosed?

The answer is no. This is because normally everyone experiences some type of depression or anxiety. The doctor has to know when it is so serious that it needs to be diagnosed and treated. When the depression/anxiety are left untreated they can be fatal. One very important thing to know is what type of diagnosis you have and to treat it with the proper medication or therapy before it is too late.

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