Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hello and Welcome!

Hello everyone and welcome to the first ever Mentor Connection blog! This site will allow us to keep up with the happenings of all the mentor connection students as they go through their externships. Every week we will have new posts and updates, allowing everyone to share all the interesting experiences they will no doubt have access to throughout the year.

Currently, our students are placed at:

NY Presbyterian
Hospital volunteer - Khmran Malik

The Ryan Center

Prevention Outreach - Viviana Sanchez

The Institute for Family Health
Social Work - Zaire Smalls
Prenatal Health Care - Ivonn Otavalo

Reach Out and Read
NY Presbyterian - Sherlyn Aldas
Mt. Sinai - Faith Fordjour

Sports PT
Sports Therapy - Tenzin Lhamo


  1. This is a great tool. Since one of the goals of the MSI AHEC is to keep students connected to health career opportunities, I hope they will visit and post often to let us know what they are learning at their sites and how we might support them further.

  2. This is good narrative of the mentor program.
    So happy to see it up.
