Tenzin: What is your official title?
Crystal: Dr. Crystal D. Thomas DPT, CSCS Facility Manager/Senior Physical Therapist.
Tenzin: What were your goals when you were sixteen? Have the goals stayed the same throughout your life?
Crystal: When I was sixteen, I wanted to obtain a degree in Medicine or a Health care profession field (Dentist) so I participated in a program called the Summer Youth Health Careers program at Stony Brook University. It was there that I mentored with a dentist and realized that dentistry was not all that I expected.
Tenzin: If not, what are you current goals?
Crystal: Since Dentistry wasn't what I expected, I was introduced to physical therapy (P.T) while I was in the program and it stood out the most for me.
Tenzin: Why did you choose to pursue your goals/careers? A certain event?
Crystal: I like P.T because it has many different specialty areas such as Pediatric, Sports/Orthopedic, Rehab, Cardiopulmonary, Neurology and Animal P.T incorporated into one profession.
Tenzin: What books/movies etc. have influenced your career goals and choices?
Crystal: Even thought I can't recall the name of the book, I do remember a book where the main character dove in to a pool and hit her head. She fractured her neck and became paralyzed from the neck down. So in order to pass the time she discovered how to paint using her mouth.
Tenzin: What qualifications, courses, experiences or work did you do before going to university.
Crystal: I volunteered in P.T clinic and obtained a bachelor of science from Hampton University in Virginia. My courses included Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Physics, Abnormal Psychology and Calculus.
Tenzin: What universities did you go to?
Crystal: Hampton University - Bachelor of Science
Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University: Doctoral Physical Therapy
Tenzin: How many years have you been in school after high school?
Crystal: 7 years total.
Tenzin: Was tuition an obstacle? Can you give me advice on this?
Crystal: Tuition was not a major obstacle. I received scholarships and student loans. My advice is to study hard, participate in extracurricular activities and community service and apply for as many scholarships as you can!!!
Tenzin: How did you handle obstacles/roadblocks?
Crystal: Research was one of my main obstacles. I handled this obstacle by asking questions to my guidance counselor, mentors, teachers and classmates. I researched and looked up things on the Internet and attended college preparatory/class seminars at the library, local universities and churches.
Tenzin: Did you have to confront any obstacles on your way to becoming what you are today?
Crystal: NO obstacles. NO EXCUSES. FIND A WAY! JUST DO IT!
Tenzin: What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Crystal: My strengths are that I am goal oriented, dependable, reliable, outgoing, charismatic and energetic. My weakness is that I am a very anxious person.
Tenzin: Who are your heroes?
Crystal: My mom, dad and sisters.
Tenzin: Who do you listen to? Who do you accept advice from?
Crystal: Mom, dad sister and from my mentors, teachers and friends.
Tenzin: Did you have personal or professional mentors? Who?
Crystal: Yes, my personal mentors are my parents and sisters. My professional mentors are Afriqiyah Woods, P.T and Seyal Vyas, P.T.
Tenzin: What overall advice do you have for me in terms of the career I want to pursue?
Crystal: You should find a career that makes you excited: stimulate your interests! You can acieve anything as long as you put your mind to it!! STAY POSITIVE! and KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE!
wow Tenzin you seemed you learned alot from your Mento. Interesting Interview!
ReplyDeleteYes, I do learn alot from my mentor, she is always teaching me new stuff everyday.