Whereas National Mentoring Month will, most significantly, build awareness of mentoring and encourage more people to become mentors and help close the mentoring gap in the United States: Now, therefore, be it
Welcome to 2010 and a very special January National Mentoring Month!
2009 MSI AHEC Christmas Party!
Writing Workshop - Faith Fordjour
HealthTopics: Anxiety and Depression
HealthTopics: HIV/AIDS
HealthTopics: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Current Event Article:
One in four teen girls have STDs
By Steven Reinberg, HealthDay Reporter
MONDAY, Nov. 23 (HealthDay News) -- As many as one in four U.S. teenage girls have had a sexually transmitted disease (STD), many infected soon after their first sexual encounter, a new government report shows.
"The high burden of STDs among teen girls reminds us that we can't ignore this," said study author Dr. Sami L. Gottlieb, from the division of sexually transmitted disease prevention at the U.S. Centers for Disease and Prevention...
HealthTopics: Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Journal Entry 5 - Faith Fordjour
Writing Workshop - Khmran Malik
My Health Career
Journal Entry 4 - Tenzin Lhamo
Journal Entry 4 - Viviana Sanchez
Journal Entry 4 - Sherlyn Aldas
Journal Entry 4 - Zaire Smalls
Journal Entry 4 - Faith Fordjour
Journal Entry 4 - Khmran Malik
Journal Entry 3 - Faith Fordjour
Journal Entry 3 - Zaire Smalls
Journal Entry 3 - Sherlyn Aldas
Journal Entry 3 - Tenzin Lhamo
Journal Entry 3 - Khmran Malik
Journal Entry 2 - Tenzin Lhamo
Journal Entry 2 - Zaire Smalls
Journal Entry 1 - Tenzin Lhamo
Journal Entry 2 - Sherlyn Aldas
Journal Entry 2 - Viviana Sanchez
Wagner College
Journal Entry 2 - Faith Fordjour
Journal Entry 2 - Khmran Malik
Journal Entry 1 - Faith Fordjour (11/24/09)
Journal Entry 1 - Viviana Sanchez (11/24/09)
Journal Entry 1 - Sherlyn Aldas (11/24/09)
Journal Entry 1 - Khmran Malik (11/23/09)
Journal Entry 1 - Zaire Smalls (11/23/09)
Hello and Welcome!